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Fruit Wholesale Trade - Landkreis Harburg

company overview of the region Landkreis Harburg

This list shows all registered entries of the branch Fruit Wholesale Trade from Landkreis Harburg.

No entries were reported for this branch in this region.

External provider for branch Fruit Wholesale Trade

Deutsche HeuFarm | Premium-Heu & Heutrocknung Ropers

Hay Sales Company | Wholesale Trade Ropers

Hans-Hermann Ropers
Cuxhavener Straße 132
21765 Nordleda
Tel.: 04758 444
Fax: 04758 1228

Our company can guarantee 1a organic hay of the highest quality all year round. We are able to offer consistent top quality organic hay with a quality certificate, numbered DE-Öko-009. Since 1976 our farm has dealt in the sale of hay and straw on a large scale. Our customers include zoos, riding schools and farming operations and livestock breeders.

Recht Fruchtgroßhandel & Logistik GmbH & Co. KG

Osterladekop 53-55 0
21635 Jork
Tel.: 04162 8467
Fax: 04162 6392
Unser Unternehmen ist seit über 40 Jahren am Markt. Die Zeiten haben sich geändert, unser zentrales Ziel nicht. Wir wollen dem Kunden qualitativ hochwertige Ware zu marktgerechten Preisen anbieten.